Nothing Off Limits

Deb Crowe On Achieving Work/Life “Fit”



Deb Crowe, a former medical case manager turned life coach, motivational speaker, disability specialist and work life balance expert, joins NOL to share tips on how best to achieve work/life “fit”. Her energy is inspirational, and I think you’ll enjoy listening to the tips she shares for achieving a life of less stress, more resilience, healthier boundaries, and more quality time for family and friends. Perfect at the top of this new year! Deb is a featured author in Book 5 of the Change book series, a #1 book series in the world, and she will be a speaker at the Soul Women On the Go Conference next year. You can visit her website for more information at Specifics that we discuss in this show: 1. Deb’s burnout with the medical industry, and how Erin Brockovich literally played a role in her decision to change her life 2. The cliche of “balance” and letting go of perfection 3. Deb’s definition of work/life “Fit” 4. How different generations view it - and how companies need to start pay