Red Door Church

Contending For The Faith | Jude 1-16



Preacher: Jonathan Smith Reader: James Truong This is the first part a two-week mini-series in the Book of Jude. This short letter, written by Jesus' half-brother, could be alternatively titled: Be Alert, Not Alarmed. In it, Jude raises serious concerns about the safety of the early church. False teachers abound, and the church is at risk of being lead astray. Jude sounds a wake-up call to followers of Jesus: return to the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Return to the true gospel of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Ultimately, says Jude, we ought not be alarmed by the threat. False teachers will rise (they always have) and God's judgement will follow. Security is found in Jesus, who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of his glory. Likewise, for all of us, be alert, not alarmed. Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia. We exist to be a community of people helping people make all of life all about Jesus.