Amazing Fba

Increase Your Amazon seller profit margin



Hi there, this is Michael from Amazing FBA and welcome to Practical Hacks. If you subscribe to the philosophy that done is better than perfect, you're going to love these little hacks. Today we'll look at how to increase your Amazon seller profit margin. Do you want to grow your business bigger and faster? A free audit of your Amazon business can help you see and avoid threats and find missed golden opportunities. I generally charge per hour, but this would be free. You can be a reseller or a brand owner. All I ask is that you're doing a few thousand dollars a month in sales already. Just visit myamazonaudit. com, That's M Y A M A Z O N A U D I T dot com. Hi there folks, Michael Veazey here for another episode, this one's going to be a quick one I've got some insights from a recent audit I did for somebody who's got only one SKU, but been selling for about a year. So quite early stages. This person has got up to around two and a half thousand dollars in sales a month selling in the U S. So here was some