Nature Podcast

Astronomers are worried by a satellite brighter than most stars



In this episode:00:45 A bright satellite is concerning researchersSatellites reflect sunlight down to Earth, and some do so with such intensity it risks obscuring astronomers' observations from ground-based telescopes. A paper in Nature suggests that the telecommunications satellite called BlueWalker 3 at times outshines most stars visible from Earth. Astronomers worry about the increasing number of such bright satellites making astronomy more difficult, and so the team suggest that future launches should undergo impact assessments.Research article: Nandakumar et al.Nature News: Huge new satellite outshines nearly every star in the sky09:27 Research HighlightsAnalysis of carrot genomes reveals how the vegetable got its orange hue, and the self-healing diamond that can fix microscopic fractures.Research article: Coe et al.Research Highlight: Crack this kind of diamond, and it heals itself11:47 The last meal of a 400-million-year-old trilobiteTrilobites are a group of extinct marine arthropods distantly related