Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2114: Tuesday Teaching Tip 332 | Biblical Preaching - Part 4 | The Road from Text to Sermon | Malcolm Cox



Today we look at the fourth chapter: The road from text to sermon  Point to consider At this point we have achieved something significant. We have clarified what we believe the text is saying. We can state it in one sentence. We are confident we have the big idea of the passage. However, this a good sermon does not make. There are further steps to take before the text can become a sermon. Before ideas can live.  First we ask what it means today, in our culture, in our world. Then we ask what it means in our local world — the world of our congregation, our listeners. Part of the job of a preacher is to bring all these worlds together. The biblical world, the world at large today, and the world of our faith community.  The key to doing this well is asking questions, and asking the right questions. As usual, chapter 4 of the book has far more information than we can cover today. I will restrict myself to asking three questions: What does it mean? Is it true? What difference does it make? Taking the parable