Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

Stop Typecasting Yourself



 A few tips to help you stop typecasting yourself: Get back in touch with yourself. Get in touch with who you are and who you want to be. Is there a disconnect between who you are and who you desire to be? Highlight the parts of you that you really like/ really enjoy. Identify the areas you aren’t too fond of. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to take risks. EXPAND yourself. I know growth is scary. In that risk-taking, you will develop or grow parts of you that you labeled as weaknesses or aren’t too fond of. On your “to do list” for the remaining months of this year, make two goals (I don’t want to overwhelm you so two is good for now), make two goals where you take a risk – do something different, try something different. Build/expand your network. As much as we love the people in our lives, sometimes it’s good to get to know other people, different types of people. It exposes you to different experiences, different ways of thinking, different ways of being. These are people who may be