Influence Ecology

Co-operation Instead of Competition with Meredith Hart



Today’s episode features Meredith Hart, a Fundamentals of Transaction graduate here at Influential U who learned that “Cooperation May be More Valuable than Competition,” or as Kirkland Tibbels always says, “Amateurs Compete. Professionals Cooperate.” Meredith Hart is the Economic Development Director for the City of Ventura. Her specialized knowledge in the marketplace is to help the city of Ventura with business engagement and vibrancy. She connects with economic partners on behalf of the city and helps businesses facilitate avenues toward success. She lives here in Ventura with her Husband, Ryan, and son, Dylan. Each week the Influential U Podcast is streamed live on our website, Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube. If you enjoyed this podcast, share it with others. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or any place you get your podcasts. Don’t be shy. Give a rating or review. We want to know what you think. Check out our show notes for links to connect with our guests – plus links to websites, books, or spec