Influence Ecology

The Performer Personality: Narratives, Stories, Care, and Freedom



In today’s episode, we’ll hear some clips from our recent mid-year conference. As we teach it, there are four vital components to consider when constructing the environments (or transactions) that do some heavy lifting for us. These elements are ideas, narratives, objects, and standards. Some transactional behavior archetypes are better suited to provide one of these elements than others. The conference included over 40 subject matter experts who addressed how they amplify their influence in transactions. Reality is, the best story wins and the role of the Performer Personality, in particular, is to provide the narrative, stories, care, and freedom required for any transaction to be successful. Today we’ll hear from some of the top Performers within our ecology, and we invite you to listen to this episode from two different angles – you either are a Performer or involved in exchanges with them. As you listen, what can you learn about yourself? What can you learn about transacting with others?