

Have you ever found yourself stuck in the same old problems, feeling like you're going in circles without finding any new solutions? We've all been there, and today, Chris and I are sharing our secrets for breaking free from this cycle. We tell you exactly how to schedule intentional, undisturbed time into your calendar, how to make the most of this strategy time, and who to share it with. By creating this extra space, you'll have the opportunity to brainstorm new ideas, increase your income, refine your offers, and unlock your brand's full potential. And that's not all – Chris and I have an incredible offer that we're confident will help you take your networking, personal growth, and business evolution to the next level! IN THIS EPISODE, WE TALK ABOUT: - How to incorporate “think time” into your busy schedule  - Tips for optimizing the extra space and determining the right people to pull in  - The importance of engaging with content and communities that align with your goals  - Advice for adjusting, tweakin