Packers Talk

Packers Weekly #10: Will Loyalty Be Matt LaFleur's Downfall?



There is no shortage of reasons this Packers team is going into the bye week with a losing record. Coaching is high on that list. If there's one thing the youngest roster in the league needs to be successful, it's good coaching.Matt LaFleur's start as the Packers head coach ranks among the best in history, but it's fair to wonder how much of that success the former QB is responsible for.We saw the special teams unit be historically bad when LaFleur tried putting one of his buddies at ST coordinator. He has since corrected that by hiring one of the best ST coordinators in the business.Now the OC and DC need the same treatment. LaFleur can't will his friends to be successful. He needs a DC that can get the most out of his players' ability, and he needs an OC that knows how to develop a young QB.It doesn't look like he has either of those right now.Will Matt LaFleur do what he did with the ST coordinator, and go find better options at DC and OC, or will he live and die by loyalty? Happy bye week, Packers fans!Go