Liquid Church

Do You Have Enough Faith For A Miracle?



Do you have a mountain in your life that you have to overcome? What do we mean by a mountain? Well, it’s a  situation that seems impossible and looks immovable! It’s too big… too heavy to carry… too steep to overcome on your own. What is your mountain? Maybe you want to start a family, but can’t conceive a child. You’re facing a mountain of infertility. Or maybe you have tried counseling and therapy, but now you’re now facing divorce. Or maybe your mind is just overcome every day with anxiety or depression. Whatever your mountain is, God can handle it! All you need is faith the size of a mustard seed and trust that God will get you through. A mustard seed is the tiniest known garden seed and is only 1 millimeter in diameter. But, Scripture teaches us that’s all we need. A tiny faith in Jesus can lead to miraculous outcomes and each of us overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges. What we need to do is SEEK GOD! We need to pray to Him and seek His help and intervention in difficult situations. Watch th