Nature Podcast

Gene edits move pig organs closer to human transplantation



In this episode:00:46 Engineered pig kidneys show transplantation promiseKidneys from genetically-engineered miniature pigs have been transplanted into non-human primates, in some cases keeping the animals alive for more than a year. Using CRISPR, a team made dozens of edits to the pig genome to prevent the monkeys’ immune system from attacking the organs. They also removed pig retrovirus genes that could represent an infection risk. These steps are necessary if pig organs are to be used in human transplants, something many clinicians and researchers think will be needed to overcome a critical shortage of organs for transplantation.Research article: Anand et al.News and Views: Pig-to-primate organ transplants require genetic modifications of donorNature News: The most-complex gene edits yet move pig organs closer to human transplant09:02 Research HighlightsHow babies’ nasal immune systems could explain why they tend to have mild cases of COVID-19, and the molecular ‘glue’ that allows 3D printing with cha