Liquid Church

How To Pray With Power And Conviction | Moving Mountains Part 2



Do you have a strong prayer life? Are you bold? Are you strong? Do you pray with power and conviction? Your prayer life is the way to find a deeper connection with God and you can learn to be someone who prays with POWER! Before you step into God’s promises for your life, you have to understand that He will be with you every step of the way. No matter how big or small your problem is, or how high your mountain is, God will be walking alongside you. There are just two steps to take to position yourself to be used powerfully by God. The first is to consecrate yourself to God, which means to set yourself apart and be fully devoted to God. Consecration puts you in the position to see God work powerfully. Second, you must take a daring leap of faith. Remember that we only need faith the size of a mustard seed for God to move in powerful ways. Faith is taking the first step, even before God reveals the second step. Have the STRENGTH and COURAGE to trust that God has got you. The plans of God are only revealed in