The One Thing

423. A Model for Living with Jason Abrams



Are you often caught in a whirlpool of tasks, constantly gathering information yet struggling to make significant strides towards your cherished goals?We are joined by Jason Abrams, the Head of Industry and Learning at Keller Williams, who unravels the art of orchestrating one's life around a pivotal focus. Drawing from various models and a treasure of personal experiences, Jason shares how centering your day around The ONE Thing model - tackling the most pivotal task at the crack of dawn to ease the remainder of the day - can be a game-changer. We delve into the tendency of becoming intellectual tourists - constantly soaking up information yet faltering at the implementation stage.Jason challenge the conditional chase of joy and advocate a holistic blend encompassing work, family, spirituality, and wealth. He also shares a unique method of aligning work priorities while nurturing key relationships and nudges you to confront the relationships you need to either foster or sever, pushing past the fears barricad