Where Brains Meet Beauty

Episode 240 - Giovanni Vaccaro - Co-Founder and Chief Customer Officer at GLAMSQUAD - The Power of Putting Yourself Out There - Giovanni Vaccaro is Bringing Hospitality to The Beauty Business



Growing up in a family restaurant, Giovanni Vaccaro was accustomed to the hospitality industry, but at a young age he realized that he was destined for a different type of hospitality. An experience at a hair salon watching the transformation women underwent in the chairs from slouching to smiling after a beauty treatment left him feeling that this was a world he needed to be a part of. While Gio knew where he wanted to be, how to get there was a different story. Gio tells us of a moment that changed everything: a recruiter from a top salon had come to his cosmetology school-here was an opportunity staring him in the face. He knew that putting himself out there would be risky, uncomfortable even, but the pay off? That could be huge. So he went for it, he asked for a job. And it worked! Gio landed a job as a shampoo assistant at renowned salon Frederic Fekkai & Co and showed that he was willing to start small and work hard.Fast-forward and Gio knows the business inside & out and saw that the industry w