Christ Covenant Church

Romans 11



What about the Jews? (Part 3): God’s behavior toward people (including His covenant people – Jew/Gentile)1. God already knows and leads to the truth people whose biggest problem is intellectual not moral.1.1. The perfect example is the Apostle Paul (1, 1Ti 1:12-14 = Paul was ignorant yet faithful and so received God’s grace)1.2. This included a few other first century Jews who were likewise faithful during Israel’s apostasy against Jesus (5-6) “a remnant chosen by grace” = A small number of Jews chosen to hear and receive God’s favor of gaining salvation by faith in Christ versus through the OC way (e.g., circumcision, animal sacrifice, adherence to separation and sabbaths – i.e. “on the basis of works”) (e.g., Zechariah and Elizabeth, John the Baptist, Joseph and Mary, the other Apostles and all the Jews of the Jerusalem church who became Christians)1.3. This was also true during Israel’s apostasy in the days of Elijah (2-4; 1Ki 19:14-18)1.4. This has always been true (e.g., Neh 9:8; Act 10:34-35 “Truly I un