The Entreleadership Podcast

How to Multiply Yourself With a Habit of Delegation with Dave Ramsey and James Clear



Join us as our host, George Kamel, sits down with Dave Ramsey, the founder and CEO of Ramsey Solutions, for our first episode of our series on habits. Dave dives into the habit of delegation and why it’s a force multiplier for you and your team. Later, George sits down with speaker and bestselling author James Clear. James shares how to start new habits that actually stick so you can live out the leadership habits we’re covering in this series. Hang around until the end of the episode for a special announcement from Dave Ramsey about the future of this podcast! You’ll learn: •      Why leaders don’t delegate •      How a gruesome injury led to Atomic Habits •      How habits shape our culture •      How successful people leverage their time Support our sponsors: •      Hite Digital: •      NetSuite: •      BELAY: Links mentioned in this episode: •      The EntreLeadership Podcast: •