Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

Take a Trip to Graceland



As you are giving yourself grace, tell yourself that you are: Doing your best You are not your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes Tomorrow is a new day & as long as I am breathing, there’s always an opportunity to do something different, to grow, etc. 12 ways to give yourself grace: Stop trying to be perfect – allow yourself to be human Forgive yourself Change your mindset stop the negative self-talk Practice gratitude Be kind to yourself Let go of the past or whatever you’re holding on to Show yourself compassion Celebrate your wins, no matter how small Show yourself compassion Stop comparing your life to others. Be okay with saying no and setting boundaries Be okay with taking time for yourself I want to encourage you to take a trip to Graceland by giving yourself the gift of grace. I am Nicole L. Turner, your Mindset Coach, helping you shift the way you think so you can change the way you live. If you are in need of a mindset coach, you can reach out to me at https://www.detoxforyourlife.com/