Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

Prayers of the People



You hear us calling, Abba Father. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Father, we lift up all those who have lost family and loved ones, whose lives have been upended and destroyed. We grieve and lament with them. God, might you meet them in their pain, meet them in their need. God, would you show us how to intervene, how to love in a time of hate, how to be peace makers in a time of war and death. Father, we pray for those who have been taken from their families, that they would be released. That you would meet them in their despair and bring hope and safety and restoration. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Father, we ask that you would soften the hearts of our leaders and clear their eyes, that they might advocate for humanities flourishing, not it’s destruction. Lord, give them courage and discernment to make hard decisions in the face of adversity and greed that restore humanity to those they may see as the other. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kin