Authorpreneur Fm - Writing And Self Publishing Advice

BTS053, The 100th Podcast Episode: Ask Me Anything on Writing, Revision, Editing, and Self Publishing



Honestly, I can't believe I made it this far; it's mind-blowing. I know that's cliche, but it's how I feel when I see that episode number. Let's just say it has been a wild ride, a ride that is not yet over, and I'm glad I stuck with podcasting through those difficult times. And I've dabbled with a few great interviews and had my first-ever guests. It's been both challenging and fun all at once.In the spirit of celebrating the 100th episode milestone, I'm going answer the top questions asked by my Blog Readers, YouTube Subscribers, and Podcast Listeners, and questions asked through my Ask A Question form on my website.Course, Podcasts, Books, and Tools MentionedCheck Out the Show Notes ⇢, The Case for Outlining, Outlining Pitfalls, and Overcoming Writing Obstacles ⇢, From Idea to Outline: How to Outline a Novel (Part 1 of 3) ⇢