Authorpreneur Fm - Writing And Self Publishing Advice

BTS049, A Year in Review and Self Publishing Products I Loved in 2022



This year, I've decided to start my podcast by looking back at everything I achieved in 2022. After that, I will discuss the products I loved in 2022 and will continue to use in 2023. I will also not dive too deeply into metrics like hours or word count because that's not helpful. In fact, as a coach, I hate metrics because it doesn't contribute anything of value, especially in the writing space. Everyone writes differently. Some people need to write slowly, think and research as they write. And if that's you, it's okay to write that way and slowly build your backlist. But I'll hop off my soap box now.Podcasts, Books, and Tools MentionedCheck Out the Show NotesThe Previous EpisodePhotoshop, Illustrator + InDesignCanva *Deposit Stock Photos *iStockVector StockStripeWooCommerceWordPressThe Divi Theme *Gravity FormsSiteground *Blubrry *Ecamm LiveFinal Cut ProGaragebandBlue Yeti Microphone *BookFunnel *PayHipVellumDraft2DigitalNaturalReaders (Premium)Scrivener *Grammarly PremiumProWr