Authorpreneur Fm - Writing And Self Publishing Advice

TAP039, Point of View: Which One is Right for Your Story



Before you put pen to page, you need to decide which point of view is right for your story. In this show, I will discuss point-of-view in writing fiction and the things to consider when choosing the right point of view for your novel. But I will not discuss second-person because I don't understand its mechanics. And I will not be delving too deep into third-person omniscient point-of-view for similar reasons.While researching for this episode, I received contradictory advice on how to write in the third-person omniscient, especially about whether head-hopping is permitted. In light of this, I'm considering interviewing an editor on my podcast and asking questions about point-of-view in fiction. So, let me know if you are interested in listening to this interview. However, I have experience writing in first-person and third-person point-of-view.So stay tuned for all of this and much more.Podcasts, Books, and Tools MentionedCheck Out the Show NotesInterested in the mini-course on how to outline a nove