Packers Talk

Packers Weekly #12: Does "Self-Scouting" Mean What They Think It Means?



When you have an extended amount of time to prepare for one of the worst teams in the NFL, you shouldn't lose that game.So why were the Packers not prepared for their opponent? Self-scouting.They've been doing lots of this self-scouting business the past few weeks, and it doesn't seem to have led to improvements. Which makes it fair to wonder if they spent enough time preparing for the Broncos. There are players making mental mistakes. Mistakes are being repeated week after week. Mistakes from 2022 are being repeated in 2023. Not that the issues facing the team can be narrowed down to a singular problem, but one coach seems to be getting less criticism than the rest - looking at you, Stenavich.While there is no shortage of blame to point, there are also flashes of brilliance from different places on this Packers team. Lots of growth is happening before our eyes, Packers fans, but growth is never going to happen as quick as any of us want and it will certainly be painful. Be sure to join Myles Teteak and Tim H