Medical Humanities Podcast

”To age or not to age”, Tom Kinninmont about his co-writing ”The Carer”



In this podcast, Tom Kinninmont, co-writer of the British film 'The Carer', tells Khalid Ali, Medical Humanities Screening Room Editor, the details of the picture which brings Parkinson's disease, ageing, care for old people, intergenerational problems, stardom egos and Shakespeare quotes all together to the big screen. In this conversation recorded during the Edinburgh film festival, where the film was screened in June, the Scottish writer with a long career in theatre and TV. also talks about his famous work with Peter O'Toole and other legendary British names. The Carer is released on the 5th August 2016 in London and will be showing in more cinemas in the Autumn. Read the film review at the Medical Humanities blog here: