Live Life Aggressively Podcast W/mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Ep.#185: Jerry Brainum returns to discusses newsletter inspirations from Penthouse, leg training with Arnold Schwarzenegger, citrulline for pre-sexual performance, red meat's negative effects on creatine and more



Jerry Brainum returns to the LLA Show to discuss the following:     Jerry shares how his newsletter was inspired by a magazine he wrote for and was published by an editor of Penthouse Jerry describes training lower body with Arnold Schwarzenegger and why it was always an issue for Jerry Why should trainees take a look at citrulline, in terms of their training, as well as their pre-sexual performance Jerry describes the benefits of beta-alanine, in regards to high intensity training and how it helps prolong performance How can eating high amounts of red meat counteract the effects of creatine When is the best time to supplement with creatine Are beet powders better than actual beet juice, why should you add beets to your regimen, how much should you take, and when Jerry shares more benefits to caffeine, pre-workout, as well as some cautions, in regards to caffeine powders How can glutamine help, in terms of gut health What are the pros, cons, and myths of IGF-1   All this and much more:   Links & R