Live Life Aggressively Podcast W/mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Ep.#183: Top strength coach, Eric Cressey talks how speed helped him deadlift nearly 5 times his bodyweight & other deadlifting tips, the benefits of glute-ham raises, and Mike helps clarify the supplements responsible for Jon Jones's removal from UFC 200



Highly sought-after strength coach, Eric Cressey joins the LLA Show to discuss the following:     Eric shares the importance of speed necessary for efficient deadlifts and how it has helped him lift nearly 5 times his bodyweight What is the biggest mistake most deadlifters commit Are pre-lifting cues an asset to deadlifts or just pre-performance theatrics Does Eric feel there is any benefit to deficit deadlifts Eric describes the importance of varying your grip for deadlifts Is there a good transfer from squat to deadlift or is it the other way around Eric shares if there are any benefits to performing a personal mock powerlifting meet Eric shares if there is any transfer from Olympic lifting to powerlifitng Eric discusses why you should not skip glute-ham raises Eric shares his opinion on the use of a weightbelt Eric discusses the benefits of the safety squat bar and other various bars Are there any merits to unstable surface training Mike helps clarify the substances involved in Jon Jones's recent removal