Live Life Aggressively Podcast W/mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Ep.#179: Joshua Manuel shares why he is the world's #1 fight hypnotist and how he installs the winning psychological edge into MMA fighters, such as Matt Brown, boxers and other combat athletes



Joshua Manuel works with high-performance clients who need instant results. During his 14+ years of experience, Joshua has delivered results to professional MMA fighters, members of US Federal Law Enforcement agencies, Department of Defense, contractors assisting US State Department, trainers of Special Operations, and active-duty military. He is a Licensed Master Practicioner of Neurolinguistic Programming with the International Society of Neurolinguistic Programming, and a certified Hypnotherapist. Joshua joins us to discuss the following:   Joshua describes what motivated him to choose a career as a mindset coach focused on combat athletes How can you utilize anxiety to improve your performance in the gym What is the most common thing Joshua finds when taking on fighters as new clients How does Joshua help fighters come back from a devastating loss and/or injury How does Joshua help Sincere overcome the trauma of an incident involving Sincere spanking a guy several times on the ass Joshua shares how he