Live Life Aggressively Podcast W/mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Ep.#171: Jake Shannon, the creator of the Macebell & scientific wresting talks teaming with wrestling legends Karl Gotch, Bill Robinson, and Fujiwara, what led him to develop the macebell, macebell vs kettlebell training, Josh Barnett, and more



Jake Shannon, creator of the Macebell, Scientific Wrestling, & the Pin & Submit training seminars, joins us to discuss the following:     Jake discusses how he created the macebell & shares the benefits of training with macebells  What is the one issue that most modern macebell manufacturers are missing in terms of macebell design Jake shares why adding water or sand to increase the weight of the macebell is not a great idea How are macebells and kettlebells similar and how do they compliment each other What is scientific wrestling and how did Jake come up with the concept Jake shares how he met and worked with catch as-catch can legends Karl Gotch, Fujiwara, and Billy Robinson What is Jake's connection to MMA stars, Frank Shamrock & Josh Barnett Jake discusses his Pin & Submit seminars ( & who is the ideal attendee Are Jake's seminars viable for personal defense of everyday citizen       All this and much more:   Links & Resources mentioned in the sh