Live Life Aggressively Podcast W/mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

Ep.#169: Top coach & T-Nation contributor, Christian Thibaudeau, talks lactic acid training, the ideal Crossfit athlete, Louie Simmons, his stance on using weight belts, the benefits of using kettlebells for isolation exercises and more



Christian Thibaudeau is a Canadian bodybuilder, author, and world renown strength coach. Christian gained notability in the online bodybuilding world in the late 1990s as a key contributor to the online bodybuilding magazine, IronMag. He is currently a frequent contributor to Testosterone Magazine and coaches athletes in person and via online. He has been applauded by fellow trainers for his willingness to accept and incorporate other ideas into his training program. Christian joins the LLA Show  to discuss the following:     Is there a benefit when lifting weights immediately after sprinting What is a good starting point for beginners and intermediates in terms of prescribing sprints in their training program What, in Christian's experience, is the characteristic of the ideal Crossfit athlete What is "On The Verge Lactic Acid Training" & how does it benefit pushing your training further & work capacity What does Louie Simmons say about maxing out & why should this help you rethink how you appro