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Whole30 Day by Day: Keep Your Nutrition on Track



Author of the New York Times bestseller, The Whole30, Melissa Hartwig now has two new books, The Whole30 Day by Day and Whole30 Fast and Easy, which are excellent companions to the original.The Whole30 Day by Day is a daily handbook to keep you motivated, inspired, accountable, and engaged during your Whole30 journey. It’s like having Melissa coaching you through the Whole30 one day at a time, sharing a day-by-day timeline, personal motivation, community inspiration, habit hacks, and meal tips. Plus, each day offers guidance for self-reflection, food journaling, and tracking your non-scale victories to keep your momentum going and help you plan for the days to come.SPONSORED BY CARDIOMIRACLE: The most advanced heart-healthy nitric oxide booster in the world, with 50+ whole food nutrients. [use promo code "CardioNow!" for 20% discount]  The Whole30 Fast and Easy Cookbook features: Recipes perfect for weeknight cooking, lunches in a hurry, and hearty breakfasts that still get you out the door