Mythic Radio Podcast (paranormal, Talk)

351: Halloween Special - Dark Entities, Hat Man & Something In The Garage



When I think of Halloween, I’m reminded of my childhood. Decorating the house with my family, counting the days until I got to wear my Halloween costume, and imagining what mysteries resided just beyond my reality. It’s always been a special time for me, almost as if I’m connected to it, but in a way that I don’t fully understand.As I’ve gotten older, my appreciation for this season has continued to grow, and evolve. Maybe it’s because I have a better understanding of its importance, or maybe it’s because I have a deeper respect for the strangeness that permeates every aspect of our world. Either way, I see Halloween as a reminder to appreciate that strangeness, and to embrace what we don’t understand.So tonight, I’d like to celebrate Halloween by bringing you several different experiences that cover a variety of phenomena. Experiences that are, most definitely, Paranormal Mysteries. Mary's Video of Hell's Gate Cemetery: