Talking Space

Episode 414: Space Shuttle Shuffle Special



On this special episode of Talking Space, we take a look at the events surrounding the retirement of the Space Shuttle Discovery and the relocation of Enterprise. We begin with Mark's recounting of his week at the Kennedy Space Center and the events surrounding the preparation and departure of Discovery. We then get a brief look into Discovery's arrival at the Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles International Airport as well as the transfer ceremony of Enterprise from our correspondent Craft Lass. From there, we move to Enterprise's arrival in New York City where Craft Lass looks at the flyover of New York and Sawyer takes a look at the official ceremony at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Special thanks to the following people for their interviews: Stephanie Stilson, Discovery Flow Director; Sen. Charles Schumer (NY-D); Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy; Joe Engle, Enterprise Test Pilot; SCA Pilot Bill Rieke; Astronaut Mario Runco; and Susan Marenoff-Zausner, President-Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum. Click