Talking Space

Episode 413: Station Science Scoop



On this episode of Talking Space, we discuss the results of North Korea's attempt at launching a rocket into space and the repercussions of the results. We then talk about the opportunity for any member of the scientific community to submit a proposal for a Mars mission. On our second go-around, we talk about SpaceX's upcoming launch and a readiness review recently conducted, as well as touching upon some NASA budgetary information. We then finish off our story format with doubts about science being performed onboard the International Space Station. To alleviate those doubts, our very own Mark Ratterman sat down with Associate Program Scientist for the International Space Station Tara Ruttley to get an update on some of the science currently onboard and soon to be onboard the ISS. PROGRAM NOTE: There will be no episode next week, April 23, due to activities surrounding the retirement of the space shuttles. We will return with a special space shuttle show on May 2nd. Host this week: Sawyer Rosenstein. Panel