Liquid Church

God Can Do The Impossible | Moving Mountains Part 4



Do you feel worn out, tired, discouraged, or frustrated by a situation you are in and your prayers have not been answered? Don’t stop praying! You should keep praying through it and the walls will fall! The plans of God are revealed in the presence of God.  God does not give you marching orders until you fall to your knees in prayer. If you look at Joshua’s story in the Bible, we see that Joshua was hand-picked by God to lead His people after the death of Moses. God commanded him to cross the Jordan River to lead His people into the Promised Land, but the water was raging. Joshua fell to his knees and prayed, took a step of faith by putting a toe in the water and God stopped the rushing water based on Joshua’s faith. Is there a situation in your life that you need to trust God fully with? God can do the impossible. In fact, impossible situations are not intimidating to our God. The challenge is that you need to walk in faith, not by sight. If your situation does not change, it is often a clue that God is tr