Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#15: When Mom Or Dad Is Ill (Parenting Through Adversity)



Every parent will face adversity. Some will feel overwhelming, even terrifying. The adversity may involve a terminal illness, a dramatic life-changing event, a job loss or a divorce. And when life turns tough, we have a choice about how we will respond. Will the hardship be our undoing or will it makes us stronger? Thinking about how we will respond is critical for our children because as we respond, they watch us. And more importantly, their security or fear will revolve around how we respond- what we say and what we express. Even in the midst of pain, we must lead our children and help them by allowing the difficulty to strengthen us, not make us weaker. This is the story of Cheryl Wilkinson, a mother of three children, who lived with breast cancer and battled it bravely. It is the story of hundreds of thousands of parents who have confronted life- threatening illness and fought hard. It is a story of strength, love and the blessings that came to her whole family. Dr. Meg shares her Points To Ponder and ans