The Modern Mann

An Abortion



Pippa spent eight months struggling to conceive her second child. Then, on the brink of beginning IVF, she discovered she was pregnant. But, at ten weeks, she discovered there was a more than 99% chance that her foetus had Down's Syndrome. She and her husband Joe had already decided that, in this situation, they would have an abortion. In this brutally honest conversation with Olly, Pippa explains how the experience left her feeling guilty, compromised, and unsupported; and how she still struggles to reconcile the fact that she chose to terminate the baby she had wanted so much… The NHS has a page offering support for those considering termination for foetal anomaly: ———————————— Meanwhile, in the Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart - fresh from accruing sixty (60!) followers on Spotify with his musical pseudonym Captain Spronk - has spent the past month learning to knit. Is this trend for young men taking up knitting limited to influencers like Tom Dale