The Modern Mann

The Night Before The Meeting



Lottie Woods was in her early twenties when she was sent, alone, to meet a powerful buyer for a high street fashion brand in Guangzhou, China. They went out for a drink. The next morning, they had a meeting. In this interview with Olly, she recounts what happened in between. Along the way, she reveals the pressures of designing garments for the ‘fast fashion’ sector, the challenges of raising ethical standards, and the fallout from one fateful evening in a country she didn’t know, in a language she couldn’t speak. --- Lottie is now a freelance designer, working with ethical brands, and blogs about slow fashion and sustainable awareness at If YOU have a story you would like to share on the show, do what Lottie did - head to our website,, and click ‘Feedback’. And, if you have been affected by this conversation - know that there is always someone you can talk to in confidence. A good place to start is Safeline []. --- Meanwhile, in this month’s Zeitgei