The Modern Mann

My Head Is Killing Me



Dr Stuart Farrimond was a disillusioned Junior Doctor. Night-shifts, the grim reality of hospital life and emotional exhaustion were all taking their toll - but he was in denial about what might be killing him. In this extraordinary interview with Olly, he explains how an eating disorder and an unexpected diagnosis derailed his career and his marriage - but also how, in the most desperate of circumstances, his life could still change for the better. Stuart’s latest book, The Science of Spice, is published by Dorling Kindersley. He can be found on Twitter @RealDoctorStu. If you’ve been affected by an eating disorder, Dr Stu recommends these organisations, who may be able to help: BEAT: Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous: Men Get Eating Disorders Too: Meanwhile, in the Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart returns from diving into the North Sea, naked, with six hundred other people - and embarks upon his bigg