Youth Worker On Fire Podcast




“Be slow to speak…” James 1:9 Recently, I sent a video to a church event out of state.  No not the one I served locally. They asked me to speak and I asked if I could send a video if I could not show up. They said yes so I did. I found out the new pastor decided not to use it, because it was too long. However, it was told to me that he was going to tell people what I said anyways (in their own words) without my consent…Hmmmmmmmm!!! I asked that they say nothing about the video or me, because I knew something just didn’t feel right. Then I was told, ”No they are going to do that any ways.” So…whats the Big Deal? Great question. Pastors and people in general really like to change words up for their benefit. I have had more pastors, in public, say things that they say, I said, that I didn’t say.  As a whole not only do people say wrongly what other people say, or their intent, but very few people or pastors are truly confidential. If you did one thing in your ministry or life, it would be this… “Be as wise as se