Conversations With Cinthia

The Devil Is In the Details



Have you ever heard that saying, “The devil is in the details?”  The idea behind this saying is that something which seems simple and straightforward may, in fact, have a catch, a hidden element that can eat away until it causes destruction.  It is important to pay attention to the little things that can cause big problems and to do the work it takes to address these important details.  Seemingly small habits like laziness, lying, denial, and destructive thought patterns can create ruin.  At the same time, it is also important not to snag on the wrong details.  Perfectionism kills.  Some things really are “good enough” and need to be left alone.  Today Cinthia explores what it means to “get the devil out of the details” so that he cannot use details against us.  This means we have to ask God what details are important to Him, what small things could get in the way of what He wants our lives to be.  What little details are potentially eating away at the structures that hold up your life, and which things need