My Imaginary Friends With L. Penelope

Running Uphill



THIS WEEK’S BEST THING: Sleater-Kinney live show in DC! MRW Auction – I’m offering 2 hours WordPress website maintenance or training! Auction ends 11/15/19. Start bidding at My Facebook Group – Cover reveal coming soon! If it’s not a hell yeah, it’s a no. – writerly thesauruses and worksheets galore. Weiss and Benioff on how mediocre white men messed up Game of Thrones – --- The My Imaginary Friends podcast is a weekly, behind the scenes look at the journey of a working author navigating traditional and self-publishing. Join fantasy and paranormal romance author L. Penelope as she shares insights on the writing life, creativity, inspiration, and this week's best thing. Subscribe and view show notes at: Get the Footnotes newsletter - My Imaginary Friends is part of the Frolic Podcast Net