Provoke & Inspire Podcast

Episode 493: Are Aliens Actually Demons?



Recently, Christians on staff at The United States Pentagon supposedly opposed active exploration into U.F.O.'s and other extraterrestrial phenomenon, with the objection that the 'aliens' which might be discovered are not aliens at all, but demons.Are UFO's, including flying saucers and little green men actually fallen angels? Should we resist exploring these things, or should we follow the truth wherever it leads?The regulars dive into these things and more in this special in-person edition of the podcast recorded live in Minneapolis, MN.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Questions, comments, or feedback? We'd love to hear what you think! Send them to, or send us a message on Instagram.Join the Provoke & Inspire Community!Click below to follow the regulars on Instagram!Ben PierceDavid PierceChad JohnsonLuke Greenwood