
The Sarah Menet Vision of 1979 - Full Two Show Interview - with Sarah Menet



The Sarah Menet Vision of 1979 - Full Two Show Interview - with Sarah Menet **The Sarah Menet Vision of 1979 (Full Interview, Must Hear)** PRERECORDED Join Johnny Baptist while he discusses the empirical events across the world leading up to World War III, the trickery and deceit of the New World Order, and the bizarre weirdness of the fallen angelic UFO phenomenon as we plunge head first into the forthcoming apocalypse and the Seven Seals of Revelation (chapter 6). This show includes Part 1 and Part 2 of the full interview with sister Sarah Menet.  While there will be a lot that happens in our future, God has blessed Sarah with one of the most detailed clear views of what happens in our immediate future.  Moreover, it aligns perfectly with the flow of the Bible end-times timeline, up until the First Tumpet judgment where 1/3 of the grass and trees burn (from the massive fireball from the sun).  This vision is something every Christians needs to hear ...  and remember.   God Bless You - See you there. T