21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP339 Going Async-First to Promote Inclusivity



In this conversation, Pilar and Sumeet Gayathri Moghe delve into the intricacies of remote work, asynchronous communication, and the challenges of global collaboration. Sumeet also shares why he “worked out loud” as part of the process of writing the book “The Async-First Playbook”.  For the full summary of the conversation, head over to  https://www.virtualnotdistant.com/podcasts/async-first  Links:  Connect with Sumeet over at LinkedIn. Read Sumeet’s work: www.asyncagile.org Delight your eyes with Sumeet’s other work: www.sumeetmoghe.com/ Find out more about “The Async-First Playbook: Remote Collaboration Techniques for Agile Software Teams”. Find out more about the Async-First Manifesto. *Special Offer:* For a limited time, listeners can avail a discount on the "Async First Playbook" by navigating to informit.com/async and using the coupon code "NOTDISTANT". At Virtual not Distant, we also consider asynchronous communication an essential practice of online collaboration. That’s why we’ve created an au