

Loki steps it up with a great episode Loki 204 Heart Of The TVA and we discuss it all in spoiler filled detail. Loki 204 Heart Of The TVA Podcast Head Writer: Michael Waldron Episode Written by: Eric Martin, Katharyn Blair Episode Directed By: Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead Miss Minutes reveals her big secret to Ravona Renslayer. In the past, Renslayer commanded He Who Remains' army; he proposed that Renslayer lead the TVA with him, then had Miss Minutes erase the memories of Renslayer and all other TVA employees.  Back at the TVA, as the Temporal Loom reaches catastrophic failure, Loki and his allies attempt to use Victor Timely and O.B's Throughput Multiplier to fix it. It is revealed that the sources of OB's and Timely’s knowledge are each other, creating a predestination paradox.  Renslayer and Miss Minutes attempt to take over the TVA, approaching the detained X-5, Dox and her loyalist Minutemen for help. Only X-5 agrees; Dox and her loyalists instead choose to be crushed to de