Running Commentary

November Notes



On the first of November - and at the optimal moment for Autumn's leafy display - Rob and Paul return, like salmon, to Hampstead Heath. Featuring more new routes through familiar country, Rob's playful progression run, Paul's MDS training, a little abstemiousness, Harvey Lewis and the Backyard Ultra, aims for the rest of the year, mourning Matthew Perry and bringing a little bit of joy through comedy, trail shoes and other gear, Paul not soliciting Rob's Ultra advice but Rob giving it anyway, plans for Portsmouth & Perth, and your PBs (or not PBs - that is the question...)SUBSCRIBE for early access, ad-free listening and more... and BUY OUR BOOKS; you can get Rob's book Running Tracks here - - and you can get Paul’s book 26.2 Miles to Happiness here:'s more, Rob's show Long Distance Man is now available to stream here: