Your Worldview Minute With Jonathan Morrow

#29: Will Your Kids Faith Survive YouTube?



Will Your Kids Faith Survive YouTube? Worldview training is not optional for today’s teenagers. As a parent, pastor, educator or youth pastor you need to know that training in worldview, apologetics, and theology is good for the heart and soul of the next generation. [shareable]We don’t have to choose between reason and relationships.[/shareable] [featured-image single_newwindow="false"] I believe in the next generation. I love getting to spend time with them talking about the big questions of life and the everyday stuff of life. Gen Z has amazing potential and I think God will use them greatly. (Here's my interview with David Kinnaman of the Barna Group and Catalyst podcast on Gen Z) But they must be trained. Worldview training is not optional for today’s teenagers Here’s the bottom line—it’s exhausting to live a compartmentalized faith. Yet, many Christian teenagers are trying to do this impossible task every day. And it’s taking a toll on their soul and faith. The cultural messages are strong, a