Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

The Whole World is Becoming Gaza ~ Shunyamurti Teaching



Join us live online this weekend, Nov 10 - 12: The Great Escape:​ A New Path Out of the Prison of the Ego https://bit.ly/your-great-escape Pay What You Can Scholarships Available. Aghoris are fierce, sinister, sometimes superhuman yogis who reject all civilized values, live in cremation grounds and treat the funeral pyres as private barbecues. They are so dead to desire that they are fearless and can endure levels of pain and horror that would break other men. They are radically free and beyond inhibition or moral constraints. Now that the territory of Gaza is being bombed relentlessly on a daily basis the zone is becoming a vast cremation ground. A new kind of Aghori army may emerge from this hideous crucible that will make even zombies flee in terror. For those of us who seek the other end of the spectrum of consciousness, we can reach the state of fearlessness through being absorbed into the bliss of divine love and adoration. But it will require the same achievement of the death of appetite for ease and