School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#240 Dealing with Picky Eaters & Empowering a Lifetime of Healthy Food Choices



In this episode, our hosts Greg and Rachel dive deep into the world of healthy eating and the importance of instilling good dietary habits in children. To begin, they shed light on the significance of food choices and the impact it has on a family's well-being. They emphasize the role of parents in setting a positive example and creating an environment where children are empowered to make healthy choices. This episode is a valuable resource for parents seeking to navigate the often challenging landscape of family nutrition. Our hosts continue to explore the intricacies of providing nutritious options for children. They share personal anecdotes and insights gained through their journey of raising a healthy family. They address common challenges faced by parents, such as dealing with picky eaters, battles over food, and navigating the temptations of junk food. By setting boundaries and cultivating a love for wholesome, delicious food, they offer practical strategies for families to transition towards a h