Truth Community Church

Embracing God’s Authority | ATM 80s | Pastor Amy Indovino



Who likes to be told what to do by someone else all the time? Let’s be honest — we rarely welcome authority over our lives because we believe we know what is best! This message kicks off our At The Movies 80's Edition, drawing parallels between "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and the biblical story of Adam and Eve. Rebellion is resisting authority, often due to an unwillingness to submit to someone else. Rebellion against God's authority leads to consequences such as shame and separation. Recognizing God as the ultimate authority is so important in our lives. "Fearing the Lord" means revering His greatness and power rather than fearing punishment. Having a good excuse doesn’t mean it’s a good choice! True wisdom is found in having a healthy respect for God and obeying His commandments. God clothed Adam and Eve after their rebellion, and He clothes us in His grace and forgiveness through Jesus! We can surrender to God's authority in every aspect of our lives, knowing that His boundaries are for our best.